4th & 6th Semester Diploma in Engineering Final Exam 2019 Result is published last 07.10.2019. Please check the result from Academic Section of our web page.
47010 - Technical School And College ,Rajbari
It is to be notified all concerned that roll numbers who have passed in all subjects in the 4th, 5th and 6th Semester (2016 Regulation) Examination of DIPLOMA IN ENGINEERING,
2019 held in Jun - Jul, 2019 are listed below in accordance with the notification no. 57.17.0000.301. dated 06-10-2019 in regulation of the board.
It is to be notified all concerned that roll numbers who have failed in three or less subjects in the 6th semester Examination (2016 Regulation) of DIPLOMA IN ENGINEERING, 2019
held in Jun - Jul, 2019 are listed below in accordance with the notification no. 57.17.0000.301. dated 06-10-2019 in regulation of the board. The subjects in which the
student has failed are listed beside the respective roll numbers.
It is to be notified all concerned that roll numbers who have failed in four or more subjects in the 6th Semester Examination of DIPLOMA IN ENGINEERING, 2019 held in Jun - Jul,
2019 are listed below in accordance with the notification no. 57.17.0000.301. dated 06-10-2019 in regulation of the board. The subjects in which the student has failed are
347985 (3.53) 347986 (3.43) 347988 (2.88) 348002 (3.67)
348003 (3.71) 348007 (3.55) 348009 (3.91) 348010 (3.55)
348012 (3.61) 348019 (3.47) 348020 (3.80) 348021 (3.62)
348023 (3.20) 348026 (3.55) 348027 (3.07) 348035 (3.45)
348036 (3.54) 348039 (3.82) 348050 (3.33) 348091 (3.50)
348095 (3.74) 348096 (2.94) 348097 (2.95) 348115 (2.56)
348122 (2.34) 348123 (2.96) 348125 (3.25) 348129 (2.88)
348131 (3.03) 348139 (2.86) 348141 (2.98) 980090 (3.19)
982050 (2.68)
347989 { 66661(T), 66667(T) } 347991 { 66644(T), 66667(T) } 347992 { 66661(T), 66667(T) } 347993 { 66661(T), 66667(T) }
347997 { 66662(T) } 347999 { 66661(T), 66662(T),
66667(T) }
348001 { 66662(T), 66667(T) } 348005 { 66667(T) }
348015 { 66661(T), 66667(T) } 348029 { 66667(T) } 348038 { 66868(T) } 348040 { 66761(T), 66868(T) }
348041 { 66761(T) } 348043 { 66761(T) } 348044 { 66761(T), 66763(T) } 348045 { 66761(T), 66868(T) }
348047 { 66761(T) } 348049 { 66761(T), 66763(T),
66856(T), 66868(T) }
348052 { 66761(T), 66868(T) } 348054 { 66761(T) }
348057 { 65851(T), 66761(T),
66763(T), 66868(T) }
348058 { 66761(T) } 348064 { 66761(T) } 348065 { 65852(T), 66761(T) }
348068 { 66761(T), 66762(T) } 348069 { 66761(T), 66856(T) } 348072 { 66761(T), 66763(T),
66856(T) }
348073 { 66761(T), 66763(T),
66868(T) }
348074 { 66761(T) } 348075 { 66761(T), 66763(T),
66868(T) }
348076 { 66761(T) } 348077 { 66761(T), 66763(T) }
348078 { 66761(T), 66763(T),
66845(T) }
348083 { 66761(T) } 348084 { 66761(T) } 348085 { 66761(T), 66763(T) }
348088 { 66761(T), 66763(T) } 348089 { 66761(T), 66763(T) } 348090 { 66761(T) } 348093 { 66761(T), 66763(T) }
348099 { 67161(T) } 348101 { 67161(T) } 348103 { 67041(T), 67161(T) } 348104 { 67152(T), 67161(T) }
348106 { 67161(T) } 348107 { 67161(T) } 348108 { 67152(T), 67161(T) } 348110 { 67041(T), 67152(T),
67161(T) }
348111 { 67161(T) } 348112 { 67041(T) } 348113 { 66241(T), 67152(T),
67161(T) }
348114 { 67152(T), 67162(T) }
348117 { 67161(T) } 348124 { 67161(T) } 348126 { 67041(T), 67161(T) } 348128 { 67041(T), 67152(T),
67161(T) }
348130 { 67161(T) } 348132 { 67161(T), 67162(T) } 348134 { 67152(T), 67161(T) } 348135 { 67152(T) }
348137 { 67152(T), 67161(T) } 348138 { 67161(T) } 982043 { 66761(T), 66763(T),
66868(T) }
982045 { 66761(T), 66763(T),
66868(T) }
982047 { 66761(T), 66763(T),
66867(T) }
982048 { 66761(T), 66763(T),
66856(T) }
982049 { 66761(T), 66762(T),
66763(T) }
982051 { 67161(T), 67162(T) }
982052 { 67161(T) } 982054 { 65852(T), 67153(T),
67161(T) }
982056 { 67152(T), 67161(T),
67162(T) }
982057 { 65852(T), 67162(T) }
982058 { 67161(T) } 982060 { 67152(T), 67161(T) } 982062 { 65852(T), 67141(T),
67152(T), 67153(T), 67161(T) }
982063 { 65851(T), 65852(T),
67152(T), 67161(T) }
982064 { 67141(T), 67152(T),
67161(T) }
47010 - Technical School And College ,Rajbari
It is to be notified all concerned that roll numbers who have passed in all subjects in the 4th Semester (2016 Regulation) Examination of DIPLOMA IN ENGINEERING, 2019 held in Jun
- Jul, 2019 are listed below in accordance with the notification no. 57.17.0000.301. dated 06-10-2019 in regulation of the board.
It is to be notified all concerned that roll numbers who have failed in three or less subjects in the 4th semester Examination (2016 Regulation) of DIPLOMA IN ENGINEERING, 2019
held in Jun - Jul, 2019 are listed below in accordance with the notification no. 57.17.0000.301. dated 06-10-2019 in regulation of the board. The subjects in which the
student has referred in any semester are listed beside the respective roll numbers.
It is to be notified all concerned that roll numbers who have failed in four or more subjects in the 4th Semester Examination of DIPLOMA IN ENGINEERING, 2019 held in Jun - Jul,
2019 are listed below in accordance with the notification no. 57.17.0000.301. dated 06-10-2019 in regulation of the board. The subjects in which the student has referred
in any semester are listed beside the respective roll numbers.
182868 (3.01) 182869 (3.21) 347987 (3.39) 348018 (3.30)
348025 (3.29) 348037 (3.01) 348046 (2.84) 348100 (2.87)
348116 (2.64) 924236 (3.61) 924237 (3.86) 924238 (3.52)
924239 (3.07) 924240 (3.71) 924242 (3.73) 924243 (3.10)
924244 (3.83) 924249 (3.90) 924250 (3.40) 924251 (3.04)
924256 (3.18) 924257 (3.27) 924258 (3.86) 924261 (2.67)
924263 (2.58) 924264 (2.92) 924266 (3.64) 924268 (3.45)
924269 (2.99) 924274 (3.23) 924277 (3.80) 924278 (2.83)
924279 (2.80) 924280 (3.83) 924282 (3.65) 924287 (3.39)
924288 (3.39) 924309 (3.21) 924310 (2.99) 924321 (2.92)
924322 (2.80) 924323 (2.28) 924325 (3.55) 924328 (3.07)
924329 (2.74) 924330 (2.87) 924331 (2.73) 924334 (2.31)
924336 (2.67) 924338 (3.14) 924339 (3.56) 924346 (2.60)
924347 (2.58) 924348 (2.65) 924349 (2.50) 924350 (2.89)
924351 (3.02) 924352 (2.92) 924356 (3.10) 924358 (2.95)
924359 (3.38) 924360 (3.02) 924361 (2.89) 924362 (3.05)
924363 (2.88) 924370 (3.06)
347990 { 66641(T), 66642(T) } 348004 { 65841(T), 66641(T),
66642(T) }
348008 { 66642(T), 66644(T) } 348011 { 66641(T), 66644(T),
66842(T) }
348017 { 66842(T) } 348028 { 66641(T), 66842(T) } 348033 { 66641(T), 66644(T),
66842(T) }
348042 { 66631(T), 67045(T) }
348059 { 66631(T), 67045(T) } 348062 { 66631(T), 67045(T) } 348063 { 66631(T), 67045(T) } 348066 { 66631(T), 67045(T) }
348119 { 67041(T), 67141(T) } 922398 { 66631(T) } 922405 { 66631(T) } 922426 { 66631(T) }
924247 { 66842(T) } 924248 { 66842(T) } 924259 { 66842(T) } 924260 { 66842(T) }
924267 { 66842(T) } 924270 { 66842(T) } 924271 { 66641(T), 66642(T),
66842(T) }
924272 { 66842(T) }
924273 { 66645(T), 66842(T) } 924285 { 66631(T) } 924291 { 66631(T), 67045(T) } 924292 { 66631(T), 67045(T) }
924294 { 66631(T) } 924295 { 66631(T) } 924296 { 66631(T), 67045(T) } 924297 { 66631(T) }
924298 { 66631(T) } 924299 { 66631(T) } 924300 { 66631(T) } 924301 { 66631(T), 67045(T) }
924303 { 66631(T) } 924304 { 66631(T) } 924305 { 66631(T) } 924306 { 66631(T) }
924307 { 66631(T) } 924311 { 66631(T) } 924312 { 66631(T) } 924313 { 66631(T) }
924314 { 66631(T) } 924315 { 66631(T), 67045(T) } 924316 { 66631(T) } 924317 { 66631(T) }
924318 { 66631(T) } 924319 { 66631(T) } 924345 { 67142(T) } 924354 { 67141(T) }
924355 { 67142(T) } 924364 { 67142(T) } 924365 { 66743(P), 67143(P) } 924368 { 65841(T) }
348127 { 65841(T), 67041(T),
67141(T), 67142(T) }
924343 { 65841(T), 66743(T),
67041(T), 67141(T), 67142(T),
67143(T) }
924369 { 65841(T), 66743(T,P),
67041(T,P), 67141(T,P), 67142(T,P),
67143(T,P) }